Analog Screens

This project started as an outlet for my anxieties about digital spaces and my relationship with social media. Almost every  project is fueled by a statistic.


"On average, americans check their phones about 80 times a day"

This piece is composed of 80 sheets of transparent film. I've included a collection of all the phones I've had throughout my life. They're arranged in a circle because that's a cycle that won't ever really end. Each Page holds bits of information, the entire image cannot be seen if one is missing. Similar to how pixels act on a monitor. The scanned image was another layer of surface added as the scanner bed acts as another surface that captures information through a clear panel.

Medium: Ink on transparent film. 80 sheets. Edition of 1.

Accordion Book

"U.S. adults spend about 10 hours and 39 minutes a day staring at their phones, tablets, computers, and other multimedia devices every single day"

Believe it or not, my desktop's current state is much worse than it is in this book.

Edition of 2.

Instagram Scroll

"The average person scrolls 300 feet of social media content daily"

After reading that fact, I thought that it seemed too short so, on March 21st, 2019 I screen-shotted 24 hours worth of my Instagram feed. I follow 3,114 accounts. I printed  it out to scale and made it into a real scroll. It measures a little over 1/4 of a mile long. 

Medium: Acrylic and a whole lot of paper. 

Changing of the Guards

Documentation of the changing of the guards at Buckingham Palace. There were SO. MANY. SELIFE. STICKS. (also, they aren't even being used correctly? There is woman who has a phone in the selfie stick, yet still chooses to take the photo with her hand ?? I AM SO CONFUSED AND HAVEN'T STOPPED THINKING ABOUT HER SINCE I ENCOUNTERED HER. WHO IS THIS WOMAN. AND WHY.)

Edition of 2.


This paper structure allows for endless scrolling, as it infinitely folds into itself. Prolonged exposure to the blue light that is projected by screens has been linked to early onset macular degeneration. This is a deterioration of the retina that, in extreme cases, can lead to blindness. The images are retinas that have been deteriorated due to macular degeneration. 

Using Format